Ralph M. Rosen


Vartan Gregorian Professor of the HumanitiesProfessor of Classical Studies


292 Claudia Cohen Hall

Office Hours
By appointment—email me!

Ph.D. (Classical Philology) Harvard University, 1983

B.A. (Greek and Latin) Swarthmore College, 1977

Research Interests

Greek literature and intellectual history, ancient comic and satirical literature, ancient medicine, Hippocrates, Galen

Selected Publications

The Oxford Handbook of Galen (Oxford U Press 2024), with P. N. Singer

Aristophanes and Politics: New Studies (Brill 2020), ed., with Helene P. Foley

Hip Sublime: Beat Writers and the Classical Tradition, with Sheila Murnaghan (Ohio State 2018)

Ancient Concepts of the Hippocratic, ed., with Lesley Dean-Jones (Brill 2015).

Making Mockery: The Poetics of Ancient Satire (Oxford U. Press, 2007).

Old Comedy and the Iambographic Tradition (APA American Classical Studies 19, 1988).

Please email me with requests for offprints, which I'm happy to share with you. See CV link below for complete list

Works in Progress:

Various projects on Hippocrates, Galen, Aristophanes and Old Comedy. Feel free to email me for more detail.


Co-founder and former Director of Penn's Center for Ancient Studies, 1996 - present. Co-organizer (with Ineke Sluiter, Professor of Greek at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands) of the biennial Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values, 2000–2011. Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, School of Arts and Sciences (2008-13, and 2018-19). Director 'at large', American Philological Association (2013-15) President, Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacy (2012-14), President (2019-20) Classical Association of the Atlantic States.

CV (file)