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Timelines of Homer's Odyssey
Chronological Order Odyssey Order
Odysseus and his men raid the Cicones. Council of the gods. Athena bargains with Zeus.
They arrive at the Land of the Lotus Eaters. Athena visits Telemachus; he sails for Pylos.
Odysseus blinds Polyphemus. Telemachus reaches Pylos, then moves on to Sparta.
Aiolos gives Odysseus the bag of winds. King Menelaus receives Telemachus.
Odysseus nearly reaches Ithaca. Second council of gods. Calypso frees Odysseus.
The Laistrygones destroy 11 ships. Poseidon destroys Odysseus' raft.
Circe turns the crew into swine. Odysseus lands on Scheria and meets Nausicaa.
Odysseus vists Teiresias in the Underworld. Odysseus narrates his adventures to Phaeacians.
Odysseus's ship passes the Sirens. Odysseus and his men raid the Cicones.
Odysseus passes between Scylla and Charybdis. They arrive at the Land of the Lotus Eaters.
The crew slaughters Helios' cattle. Odysseus blinds Polyphemus.
Zeus kills everyone but Odysseus. Aiolos gives Odysseus the bag of winds.
Odysseus arrives on Calypso's island. Odysseus nearly reaches Ithaca.
Council of the gods. Athena bargains with Zeus. The Laistrygones destroy 11 ships.
Athena visits Telemachus; he sails for Pylos. Circe turns the crew into swine.
Telemachus reaches Pylos, then sails to Sparta. Odysseus vists Teiresias in the Underworld.
King Menelaus recieves Telemachus. Odysseus's ship passes the Sirens.
Second council of gods. Calypso frees Odysseus. Odysseus passes between Scylla and Charybdis.
Poseidon destroys Odysseus' raft. The crew slaughters Helios' cattle.
Odysseus lands on Scheria and meets Nausicaa. Zeus kills everyone but Odysseus.
Odysseus narrates his adventures to Phaeacians. Odysseus arrives on Calypso's island.
The Phaeacians bring Odysseus to Ithaca. He stays with the swineherd Eumaios.
Telemachus travels back to Pherai. Next he sails to Pylos, then home to Ithaca.
Telemachus joins Odysseus and Eumaios on Ithaca. Disguised as a beggar, Odysseus visits the palace.
Penelope proposes bow competition. Still disguised, Odysseus wins the competition.
Odysseus reveals himself to suitors and Penelope. With Athena's help, Odysseus kills all suitors.
Odysseus reassumes his throne. Penelope finally accepts Odysseus.
Suitors' families attempt to take revenge. Athena intervenes to put an end to the violence.
  Books 1-4
  Books 5-8
  Books 9-12
  Books 13-18
  Books 19-24
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