Form: Gr. Kallynteria and Plynteria "Feasts of Adorning and Cleansing", |
were the names given to the two chief days of a service of atonement held at Athens from the 19th to the 25th of Thargelion (or May-June). The Erecththeum, or sanctuary of Athene of the stronghold, was cleansed, the ancient wooden image of the goddess was unclothed, the garments washed and the image itself purified. These duties were performed, with mysterious rites, by the family of the Praxiegidae, with the aid of certain women called Plyntrides. The Plynteria, or day on which the image was washed, was an unlucky day, on which no public business was transacted. The ceremonies would seem originally to have been intended to commemorate the season of the year and the ripening of the corn and fruit, for which the votaries of the powerful goddess desired to secure her favour. |