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Quintus Remmius. A Latin grammarian of Vicetia (Vicenza), the son of a female slave. He acquired a learned education whilst accompanying his master's son to school, and, after he had been set free, taught at Rome in the first half of the first century after Christ, under Tiberius and Claudius, with extraordinary success [in spite of his thoroughly disreputable character]. The earlier scholars, and especially Varro, had made the older literature the centre of their linguistic studies. Pal'mon, as head of a new school, devoted himself especially to Vergil, just as Greek literary criticism had concentrated itself on Homer. [He seems to have treated grammar in the practical spirit of a clever schoolmaster, and to have done his best to deride the scientific labours of Varro. His grammar (ars, Juvenal, vii 251) was doubtless much consulted by later grammarians. It is now lost.] The grammar that bears his name is wrongly attributed to him. [See Prof. Nettleship in Journal of Philology, xv 192.]
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